Lynn Forbes, aka her mother, shocked fans when she took a drip, but here’s why. Lynn Forbes, AKA’s mother, had a drip with Dr. Bhabha to improve her skin.
Lynn Forbes has made several headlines since her son AKA’s death.
Lynn Forbes, aka her mother, shocked fans when she took a drip, but here’s why.
She was primarily the family’s spokesperson, and fans sympathized with her.
Since then, the majority of AKA’s fans have adopted Lynn as their mother, referring to her as Mother Megacy or Glammy.
Lynn has an exciting lifestyle that many fans are unaware of because of all the attention she is receiving.She takes good care of her body and has been hitting the gym hard recently.
On top of the workouts, Lynn Forbes also took a drip injecting the chemicals that help her to smoothen her skin.
On her Instagram, Lynn said she was caring for her body.
Before Lynn shared the video on her Instagram stories, Dr Bhabha Aesthetics shared a photo of herself being treated.
This demonstrated that Lynn Forbes attended these sessions with Dr. Bhebha on a regular basis.They talked a lot about their work and how a healthy body and skin can affect your mood.
Many fans were taken aback by how young Lynn Forbes appeared on several occasions.
Some even denied she was AKA’s mother, claiming they resembled sisters.
This is due to how much AKA’s mother, Lynn Forbes, invests in her body, which includes the drips.