Monday 11 September 2023
Episode 41
Funani tells Ona to come see him, so they can discuss the collection. Their meeting gets off to a rocky start, but they soon enter a flow state where they begin to enjoy working together.
Tuesday 12 September 12, 2023
Episode 42
Nkosi tells Faith that Funani wants him to get rid of the evidence against him, and Nkosi is keen to please his father. Nkosi sends Benjamin in to destroy evidence, but Nandipha proves to be a major roadblock.
Wednesday 13 Sepetmber 2023
Episode 43
Zanele announces she’s moving in with Zola and she refuses to listen to Faith, who advises against it. And Faith ends up tasking Dorothy with stopping Zanele.
Thursday 14 September 2023
Episode 44
Ona runs into a distraught Mampho who has just had a fight with her mother. The two have a sincere conversation, and Ona ends up suggesting that Maria should start working for Rea.
Friday 15 September 2023
Episode 45
Zola has made a vision board for Zanele’s future and Zanele loves it. They shoot content together, and it does so well that Zanele ends up suggesting to Laz that she cut down on working for House of Zwide.