The Zwide household is currently facing the challenge of Funani Zwide dealing with his father’s return. The situation is complicated by the fact that both individuals are haunted by troubling nightmares. Within these dreams, Funani’s mother, MaNgidi, is portrayed as distressed, hinting towards an unresolved issue.
The situation escalates when Funani tells his ex-wife Faith about his father’s return, triggering her anxiety. The cause? MaNgidi was killed by Faith upon learning that Ona is her granddaughter and that Faith had murdered Ona’s mother, Busi Zwide, who was Funani’s first wife.
Tensions escalate, causing Faith’s panic to grow, driving her to resort to drastic actions to soothe Mangidi’s unrest. Despite the unsuccessful ritual offering brief solace, foreboding signs and terrifying dreams continue to plague Faith, intensifying her apprehension.
Despite moments of hope and reconciliation among family members, such as Funani and Zecharia’s heartfelt conversation, Faith’s revelation about Mangidi’s death threatens to unravel the fragile peace.The Zwide mansion becomes a battleground for both the spiritual and the personal, as the family journeys through darkness towards a glimmer of light and redemption.
As tensions reach a boiling point and ominous signs multiply, the Zwide family stands on the brink of a revelation that could either lead them to salvation or plunge them into darkness forever.Things escalate as Faith panics upon hearing from Funani that another ceremony with stronger izangoma will take place, insisting that she must attend. Zechariah urges Nkosi and Funani to return with him to KZN for a more appropriate ukubuyisa ceremony for MaNgidi.
In a twist, Loyiso suspects and discovers Faith’s involvement in Funani’s mother’s death, escalating tension as he threatens to expose her for killing MaZwide and being involved in Zola’s death. Faith decides to take matters into her own hands and eliminates Loyiso before he exposes her. Zechariah informs Funani that he believes the dreams have ceased and that he is now at peace. Meanwhile, Faith begins experiencing nightmares and premonitions of Loyiso’s demise. As tensions mount and Faith’s nightmares worsen, she becomes increasingly desperate to conceal her actions. Concurrently, the truth about Faith’s role in the deaths begins to surface.With each passing moment, the web of deception unravels, culminating in a shocking conclusion.