Despite being one of the most popular drama shows, Generations: The Legacy has been accused of underpaying its performers. Here’s how much they make…
Generations: The Legacy is said to be stingy with background actors.
According to Sunday World, the SABC drama series reportedly underpays its extras.
Sunday World has it that the R160 wage was introduced in the early 2000s, and years later, the showrunners are still paying the same amount to extras.
However, little is known if it’s the actual fee being paid to extras by the drama series since the showrunners are yet to address the alleged rumours that have since taken a toll on the drama series.
A soapie extra is usually referred to as a background actor. This person always appears in the background without any lines or storyline. Extras are generally placed anywhere within the set by directors.
Since 2013, no wages for Generations: The Legacy actors have made news.
Productions have kept their remuneration packages hidden for many years. Actors are supposedly compensated based on a variety of elements such as time on set, role significance, and experience.
Seasoned actors who often play lead roles tend to earn more. This has seen star actors like Connie Ferguson, Vusi Kunene, Sindi Dlathu and Leleti Khumalo repeatedly earning more in their different productions.
However, Generations: The Legacy is no stranger to pay problems. The drama series’ star-studded ensemble was sacked in 2014 due to wage issues.
After seeking better working conditions and pay, fourteen performers were sacked from the drama series. The drama series revised its plotline and premise after sacking 14 performers, adding new actors.
The drama series Generations was renamed Generations: The Legacy. However, according to rumors, the drama series is one of the most profitable for small screens.