Thulani and Anathi, The Empire’s fan-favorite couple, will call it quits after their baby dies.
The Empire October teasers unveil that Thulani will reconcile with his wife, Nontle, following his divorce from Anathi.
The teasers also show that when his father and her sister-wife Zimkhitha find they’re still alive, his mother Bulelwa will cover for him.
The teasers also suggest that Thulani might shoot his father, Luzuko, when he attempts to kill again.
- Wednesday, 18 October: “Thulani receives devasting news about his unborn son.”
- Monday, 23 October: “Bulelwa covers up for Thulani.”
- Tuesday, 31 October: “Nontle and Thulani struggle to find their groove while they both pine for other people. Anathi’s future seems more uncertain than ever.”
@Black_Bunnyyyy: “So Bullet and Nobomi forgave Luzuko JUST LIKE THAT? I mean this guy was kicking them out like dogs 2 weeks back…Wow.”
@Yeka_Zee: “Why is Thulani being like this he has to understand that Bullet isn’t aware that Luzuko is the reason he’s living this way? Thulani should’ve told the truth already.”
@Simpeewee: “Nah Thulani is the reason for living the life he’s living- slept with his father’s wife and impregnated her and saw nothing wrong with it.”