Vuyo Dabula has clarified his disagreement regarding the popular SABC 1 serial show Uzalo. The seasoned actor revealed on Instagram that Uzalo producers had spoken with him to explain why the post introducing his new character had been removed. The two sides have resolved their disputes and found common ground, and Vuyo is getting ready to reveal his persona in October.
They appear to have had no conversations with him prior to the announcement. He chastised them for doing this. After removing the post from Instagram, they later got in touch with the user to provide an explanation.
Vuyo Dabula joins the show as Bentley Majozi, a character who will keep you on the edge of your seat and promises nothing short of drama and suspense.
The actor was recently posted along with his co-star, who plays Hleziphe, on the show in what seems to be a romantic scene.
But people couldn’t help but notice Hleziphe’s legs were skinny.
How old is Hleziphi wanna clarify something😂😂😂😂😂
Haii those road runner legs 💔
Ayiii the legs is not make sure
Do you guys feel better after body shaming her
Despite what people noticed, most of the followers continue to show some love for Hleziphe. The actress is a fast-rising South African actress. She is best known for playing Hleziphi on the SABC 1 drama series Uzalo.Though she is new in the industry, she is exceptional and has built a decent fanbase from her roles on screen. Many love her for her confident personality, hairstyle, and more.