Asavela Mqokiyana, a former Isibaya actress, has given birth to a baby girl. She revealed this on social media, along with a photo of her daughter’s face.
Mqokiyana said she gave birth in August.
“A few seconds later, with her father watching as they attended to her.” “My gyne closed me up and played Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years, and I bawled. It was a beautiful moment with my husband here welcoming our daughter to the world,” she added.
Mqokiyana confirmed the gender of the kid and that she was expecting a daughter in August.
She has already informed fans that she has a bun in the oven. This comes after she said in April 2022 that she was no longer looking for love.
She shared pictures of her traditional wedding ceremony in the Eastern Cape on Instagram at the time.
Her husband is unknown, but she said that the couple has been together for years.
Mqokiyana also said that she married into the Mqokiyana family and that her husband’s family renamed her Kwande.