Makhadzi has made comments on the recent boxing battle between Manaka Ranaka and Zodwa Wabantu. The singer mocked the celebs’ battle, claiming she could have beaten them in round one without breaking a nail.
Social media users found Makhadzi’s comments hilarious, with some even suggesting she compete against another female star.
Social media has been buzzing after top celebrities Manaka Ranaka and Zodwa Wabantu’s boxing match. The two stars have been trending as people shared their thoughts on the fight.
Makhadzi, an award-winning singer and dancer, also took to social media to express her feelings about the brawl. Makhadzi mocked the stars, claiming she could have defeated them without breaking a nail.
“Not me yesterday watching a boxing match ya sis Zodwa and sis Ranaka and wished it was me. I could have beaten both of them ka round 1. It was painful to watch Two magwala fighting. Kunini ngithiyooo I was gonna win that fight shem .”