ON Skeem Saam, things are heating up. The drama appears to be just getting started. Pitsi was shot while on a visit to his uncle, Meneer Magongwa.
According to the teasers for Wednesday, June 28th, Pitsi’s life is on the line, and everyone is stunned when the gunman confesses.
This should be intriguing because the gunman is Bushang, Magongwa’s younger son. It remains to be seen whether little Bushang would come clean about shooting his cousin Pitsi while they were playing.
The boys had found the weapon on the table in Magongwa eldest son Mahlatse’s room after he found it buried in their garden. It was buried by the dodgy police officer, Sergeant Rathebe, who also happens to be dating Magongwa.
According to the synopsis, “lovers turn on each other when things get heated in the interrogation room.” This could be a reference to Magongwa and Rathebe. He might finally be able to see her true colors. What, after all, does he see in her? The woman could be a serial killer, and it’s just a matter of time before Sergeant Babiele apprehends her.
The teaser for Thursday, June 29th, states that Babeile will officially arrest a coworker, who we can only hope is Rathebe. It goes on to add that Alfred is about to lose what is most important to him, and he is devastated. There is nothing Magongwa enjoys more than his profession. Is the teaser referring to his children? I sincerely hope not.
Mr Kgomo has returned to face the music, but no one is pleased. The HR lady has gone to great lengths to obtain witnesses to testify against him. Despite all of the terrible claims leveled against him, some of which were false, he stayed firm. It will truly be a miracle if he survives this.
According to the teaser, a decision about his hearing will be announced on Thursday, and people are concerned about the outcome. Dr Thobakgale, MaNtuli, Dr Hlongwane, physiotherapist Eunice, and his former side chick Melita were among those who testified against Kr Kgomo, all of whom called him a bully.
Rathebe will be baying for Alfred’s blood on Friday, June 30th, and will make her feelings known loudly. The outcome of Mr Kgomo’s disciplinary hearing has been communicated to him. If he regains his job, everyone who testified against him must brace themselves for his vengeance. He ran Turf Hospital as if it were his own spaza shop. It will only get worse if he returns.