‘I was a bet,’ Sonia Mbele says of her failed marriage
Sonia Mbele, a seasoned actress, recently revealed some of the reasons why her marriage failed and revealed that her ex had placed a bet to get her.
Although Sonia Mbele, the Blood & Water actress, previously opened up about her divorce from her ex, Leslie Sedibe, on July 25, during her interview on Dineo On S*X n Suff, she revealed more details about what led to her divorce.
Sonia Mbele shared her experience of being married to her ex husband, former South African Football Association (SAFA) and attorney, Leslie Sedibe.
“While I was there [in her marriage] and waking up to the drawn of who are you, who did I marry, and living with that person every day and realising this is a MFer,” she said

Mbele says she hoped and prayed that people, especially her children would see the kind of person she was married to. She kept silent and hoped her children could see Sedibe for the man that she knew him to be.
[I was] praying that one day my children, not everyone else, but my children wake up to see him for who and what he really is and that day happened,” she said.
Mbele’s son confided in her when he was 15 years old, saying he no longer wanted to live in the same house as his father. “At 15, he said, ‘I’m done.'” “And I was like, ‘thank you, Jesus,” she added.
Sonia Mbele expressed her wish that people could see the red flags in time. She agreed with Dineo, who had stated that the purpose of the interview was to share experiences rather than to criticize anyone.
“There was a time when we didn’t speak for years, and I am now comfortable discussing it.” “However, there was a time when I wasn’t,” she admitted.
The renowned actress stated that she is willing to speak now because her children are all grown up and able to assess and make their own decisions. “What I’m saying now will no longer surprise them,” she said.
“We walk in [a marriage] with the intention to stay and make it work. And then that’s what happened to this girl [talking about herself]. Slowly you find out these things that are slowly depreciating your love and slowly taking away from you,” she added.
Mbele told how her ex duped her into signing a document that gave him complete ownership of their home. She also revealed that he had seen her on TV prior to meeting her and had made a bet with his friends that he would get her.
“Then you find out that you were a bet.” They saw you on TV – there were four of them; it was on your marks, get set, go!…”I was a bet,” she admitted.